Monday, September 21, 2009

Young Women Stuff

This is one mama jammer post. It's all about YW. I know so many of you come to look at me and oh baby my cute children so if you aren't interested in my YW stuff stop now! I like to post this stuff so I can remember it and if people ask me for ideas I can show them the stuff I've been involved in. With that in mind here we go............


This year for YWIE we knew we were going to title it "I Believe". Decorations were white lights, Christmas trees and stars (pictures above). We talked about having all the YW writing their testimonies and displaying them in some way at YWIE. We had a Sunday lesson all about testimonies, how to strengthen them and how we are all at different points in our testimonies. The girls then had the opportunity to start working on their testimonies. We knew this was going to be good for the girls. We have a huge amount of beehives and also non-members attending YW right now.

The following mutual we again talked about testimonies and how they come in different forms. First I explained the testimony I was going to read came from a man who knew he was going to die and then read Bruce R. McKonkie's (I'm a big fan of him!!) written testimony. If you haven't read it yet check it out HERE for some background and HERE for his testimony. It's powerful!

We then experienced testimony through song. I had my good friend Meagan and her sister Ellynn come in and sing "I Believe in Christ". Absolutely BEAUTIFUL!! After that the YW watched this slide show. I bought this DVD titled "Reflections of Christ". It is so good. This is just the slide show (all we had time to watch in YW) but you can also watch the photographer work and the people in the pictures bear their testimonies. (Don't forget to turn my music off at the way bottom of my blog!!!!...and to my brother I know you can't stand my music.)

After this the girls again worked on their testimonies. This is how we displayed the testimonies on the tables at YWIE.

Here are the invites made by creative Traci and Emily!

I didn't get to take any pictures of the programs or of the actual event because I was just too crazy! I'm so ticked!

Our program went something like this....We started out with singing "I believe in Christ. Three girls were chosen to talk about what their projects were and what they learned. Our YW are amazing! They did a fab job. After that we let everyone walk around and look at the projects and grab some dessert and sit down to watch this video...

After that our new Stake YW president spoke about being constant as the north star. I loved her talk! She is truly amazing! The Bishop had concluding remarks. He had the moms come up and share one thing they would want the YW to know. MOMS ROCK!

At the end of the night the girls got to go to the Christmas tree and take and ornament home

I probably forgot a ton of other things. So if you want to pick my brain shoot me a comment!


The plans for NB are still in the works but I thought I would share some of what we have planned. Our theme is going to be the mutual theme for this year. We will be having it the Wednesday before Valentines day. So you know hearts will be involved. We are going to have a board with pictures of our 5 new beehives coming in. The plan is to make our own conversation hearts out of paper with words about the girls around their pictures. On smaller hearts around the room we will have pictures of the current YW. For dessert we are going to make heart sugar cookies with value color frosting. Mmmmm!

I don't know the order it's exactly going to happen yet but at some point the new beehives will be introduced. We also are going to do something like a progressive dinner (It's the beginning of the idea. Dinner isn't invlolved.)....the new girls will travel to 9 different rooms: Be Thou and Example, Faith, Divine Nature, Individual worth, Knowledge, Choice and Accountability, Good Works, Integrity and Virtue. The current YW will be partnered up in these rooms to teach the new beehives about the new theme and values. They will have the rooms decorated accordingly. For example when the girls go into the Faith room all the decorations will be white. The older YW will tell the value (Faith), the color (White), say the scripture that goes with the value, say the little saying that goes with the value and then they both will tell the girls one thing they love about YW.

In the Be Thou An Example room they will receive a dog tag necklace with the theme hand stamped (Can't show a picture yet!) on them and a organza bag. As they go around to the different rooms they will pick up these.....

They won't be able to wear them all at one time but maybe when they are struggling with a value, working on one in personal progress or it's the value of the month they could wear it! I will post more pictures when I get them!

LAST but not least are the projects Wendy and I have come up for the new mutual theme. We have come up with three diferent project kits. Here are what the finished products can look like...

Does the BE look familiar? LOL! Make it a great day. BLOG OUT!

OH...I forgot! Here are the patterns (It's your lucky day!)

For real this time BLOG OUT!!!
UPDATE/NOTE: Blogger is NOT currently e-mailing me my comments for some reason. I'm working on it. E-mail me at if you have any questions. Also I have an additional post about the value washers. Check it out....


  1. I have been so excited to have found your idea for YWIE. We are going to do it this year in our YW! I love how you displayed the girls testimonies. How did you go about keeping them the length that would fit on the display? Did you have a problem with that at all?

  2. What cd is the "I know my redeener lives from on your I believe slide show? Who is singing it? We love your slide show idea and want to make one. Thanks, Shellie

  3. In my slideshow Linda Rowberry sings the song "I know my Redeemer lives". It's amazing. I downloaded it from itunes :)

  4. Melinda,

    Where did you get the DVD titled "Reflections of Christ" that you used for your YW in Excellence

  5. You can get it at a Deseret Book store or online. Let me know if you have any problems I know the photographer has a site also...

  6. Could you tell me where you got the stars that say "I Believe" on them? Did you make them? Thanks!

  7. Hi, thanks for all the ideas. We are also using a "I Believe" theme for our YWIE this year. I had a question about your stars...did you put vinyl straight onto them? We are getting the same style of stars, but I didn't think the vinyl would stick well with all the edges. I guess I will try when we get the stars (I have a vinyl cutter). Thanks! jennywhiting(at)gmail(dot)com

  8. Thank you for posting this! My first time doing NB is a bit daunting.

  9. How did you make the wood block stands/plaque that the testimonies are on?? Or did you buy them somewhere? We would love to do this for our YW testimonies for YWIE this year. Thanks!

  10. How did you make the wood block stands/plaques that the testimonies are on? Or did you buy them from somewhere? We would love to do this for our YW testimonies for YWIE this year. Thanks!!
