Sunday, December 20, 2009

Climb a Mountain

I did this next idea with 2 of my beautiful maimaids as a personal progress project. Again I'm pulling it from my family blog to share. It was really hard but well worth it. These two girls often talk about this experience. What an accomplishment! I wish I had a picture of their YWIE poster. I think people were amazed!

Friday was the day. The mission: To climb Mt. St. Helens and two YW have their projects for YWIE completed. Mission a success! As I was climbing the mountain I was thinking what value climbing a mountain would fall under. Individual worth really sums up the whole experience. You have to reach deep within yourself to accomplish climbing a mountain and these two fabulous girls did it!

Here is our group.... Yes I'm the one who look like the dork:)

The girls look so happy in this picture. There were times we weren't so happy.

Seriana got blisters on both feet early on. She still made it to the top. She is amazing!

I didn't hear Nicole complain once. I'm so glad she got to come! When you work this hard you need a lot of breaks...

My husband is adorable. He even admitted climbing the mountain was hard. Good job honey!

The picture below is the last stretch. I think some people might go crazy there. You can see the top. It looks so close but you are exhausted and getting there sure isn't easy. As I was climbing there was a guy in front of me climbing on his hands and knees. He was really struggling. At one point I heard Jayson yell "Your almost there man! keep going!". When he made it strangers were yelling congrats to him. Climbing a mountain is kind of like life. Some times it's really hard. We struggle and sometimes have to get down on our hands and knees to make it. It's always nice to have those people cheering you on. I think when we make it to the top it will be worth it:)

The girlies at the top. What an accomplishment!

We forgot about how much work it was to get up there. This is what part of the climb down looked like....

What a beautiful world we live in!

Climbed the same mountain next adventure is knitting :)


  1. Where was this blog when I was YW President~! You are the woman!!! What lucky girls! Love your blog and all your ideas. I featured two of your ideas at Grab my "featured" button. This should send some traffic your way!

  2. I just found your blog!! Love all of your ideas! I need some ideas for our New Beginnings night?? Have any? :) Themes, hand outs, refreshments?? Email me if you get a second at
