Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Just for Fun...

Melinda asked me to do this forever ago, and I'm finally getting around to it. Maybe I should say I finally feel like I have something worth posting!
 Let me start by saying "Hi!,It's me, crafty neighbor girl!" Better known as Wendy and yes I am the lucky gal that gets to live next to Melinda. Not only that but I get to work under her in YW's as the Mia Maid advisor, totally lucky, yes I know. My thanks to her for letting me share a few thoughts and ideas with you too, it's always better when you share, right?
Way back last fall, our ward did these really cute Nativity blocks for one of our Super Saturday projects. I finished mine and didn't love it, so I put it away and forgot about it. I rediscovered it a few weeks ago and started tweaking. I finally LOVE it and so do my girls. I ended up cutting out the image entirely, adhering it to a piece of MDF, and then cutting out the image to make actual blocks. I loved it so much I wanted more!I found stickers by the same company (Me and My Big Ideas), followed the same process, stick, modge podge, cut, and ended up with a set of blocks for Halloween, Thanksgiving, and the cutest little soccer players! I broke out the soccer set for preschool this morning-they were a complete hit with both the girls and boys!Anyway, got me to thinking how easy it would be to have a fun set of blocks for everything. Just find stickers or images that you like, pictures of your munchkins, whatever, and you have your own fun, personalized blocks. If you don't have access to a saw, you could easily do this with precut blocks too.
Project #2...my girls love to wear fun winter hats. I however am not yet ambitous enough to actually make them. (That's why I live by Melinda. Hehe!) I have seen a few really fun tutorials on making them from old sweaters or cardigans, but I'm still wearing my sweaters and am therefore not yet ready to chop them up. Enter the glorious dollar store! I found these really cute hats there, all kinds of great colors, and all kinds of different styles, all only $1. Brought them home and added some homemade flower clips and ta-da...semi-homemade hats! All for less than $1.50 and it only took me 15 minutes max!
Project #3...My aprons are going green! I started making these little aprons last year for the holiday bazaars I do with my sisters. They are really fun to sew and so cute on my little bakers! I even used the same pattern for my preschool smocks. I usually sew them from flannel recieving blankets but was inspired to switch it up when I had a new pair of jeans that no longer fit. (In a good way-they were too big!) I couldn't just throw them in the Goodwill pile, they were almost brand new. So I cut them apart instead! I ended up with 4 aprons from 1 pair of pants. One from each of the legs, one from the back pocket area, and one from the front, zipper included!
It's really simple, I cut the legs of the pant to the length of my daughter from her shoulders to her hips. Folded the fabric in half width-wise and cut a "J" shaped piece from the open edge side to create the front panel and left about 6-7 inches on the bottom. I hemmed all the edges with a simple roll edge hem, found a fun fabric to add a ruffle- I doubled the length of the apron bottom to find the correct length. Sewed the ruffle onto the bottom, attatched grosgrain ribbon for ties, and added a fun heart and flower for pizazz!
   I love it when re-purposing goes right.
Anyway, just some fun for thought...enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! Love it all. I've got to make my kids some of the blocks. They are so cute :) Thanks for saying such nice thing about me...some people might consider living by me a nightmare!
