Saturday, December 12, 2009

Service Project Update :)

Just wanted to update everyone how the service project is coming along :) I need to come up with a good name for it. Any ideas are appreciated! Right now I'm in the process of collecting pictures of each YW group involved. We have a good group forming. I'm excited to see what we all can do together. Check out our group so far...
*Melinda (that's me :) ) from Battleground, WA
*Julie from Cedar Hills, UT
*Janna from Caldwell, ID
*Marye from Lehi, UT
*Shelly from Bakersfield, CA
*Sharon from South Africa
*Tara Curtis from Tucson, AZ
*Barbie Williams from Highland, CA
*Shannon from FL
*Wendy from ?
*Amber from ?
*Dawn from Tulsa, OK
*Ellen from Western Australia

There are so many wonderful people in this world. It's so easy to focus on the bad instead of the good. This project is helping me and our YW see not only what we can accomplish united together but the goodness of people.

Here are what some of the people involved in this group are saying. Ellen from Western Austrailia said:

"I love how the Spirit works. Have just finished our Calendar for 2010 and every 5th Tuesday - I had written in Service I have read this and would let you know, that we in Western Australia will be doing this.. and more often...monthly. Thanks for the wonderful idea."

Julie from Utah said:

"I would love to join the group for the up-coming year. I think this is exactly what the girls need this year. I wanted to get back to the basics and really teach them some skills."

Marye from Utah said:

"I was completely inspired when I read your post on sugardoodle! I'd love to get copies of the patters for crochet!! This is very inspiring what you are trying to do! Thank you for being willing to share & influence so many people!"

I'm getting ready to e-mail patterns out. Keep the word spreading about this project! It's not too late to join. In face feel free to join in at anytime of the year. There are so many people doing this project in different ways. Some are just focusing on crocheting others only the laurels are working on the project. I think we always have room for more service in our programs :) If you are a member of the group please get me your group picture. I want to get our bulletin board with map and pictures up for next year.

We have introduced the project to our YW and they are very excited. We have girls who will be graduating who plan on seeing this project to the end. That makes me smile. Our YW are thinking about what a reasonable goal for our group will be. We will monitor that goal in a fun way through the year. Thanks to the many woman and young woman who are making this project happen!

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