Tuesday, December 22, 2009


This is a copy of the most recent e-mail I have sent out regarding our YW Service Project. If you want to know more click HERE. You can also go down on my sidebar and click the link titled "YW SERVICE PROJECT". There you will find all the ideas associated with this project. I will not be sharing all the patterns on my blog due to I got permission to use some patterns that aren't mind but as I state in my e-mail the use is only for service. I'm sure you can make yourself a hat or two just don't go out there and sell them :) Here is the e-mail....


Hey lovely women! I've been crazy busy (I'm sure you all have too) and forgot to send out the patterns. I've attached them and why I'm at it I just want to give a few reminders. First a few words about the patterns. These are for service or personal use only. ***Please only give these patterns for your YW to use or for your own personal use. I got permission to use one I didn't write but with the conditions we would be doing service with it.*** If you have any questions or need help with the patterns please e-mail me or call me. I'm always around to help! Ok...now on to the few other reminders.... I'm hoping each of you will be able to e-mail some sort of group YW pic as soon as you get a chance. For example...this is a picture from our YW blog....

Any picture will do. If your curious...I'm in the middle with the big puffy black vest :) As soon as I get the majority of pics I will e-mail them out to you. I will send a picture of our bulletin board focusing on this project soon. I am getting it ready. It will have a map and each of your locations will be pin pointed. My hope is to run a string to each of your pictures :)

Our group has gotten bigger. These are the names I have so far....please please please if I'm missing some info e-mail me and help me out!

*Melinda Beachell from the Battleground Ward (Battleground, Washington)

*Tara Curtis from the Continental Ranch Ward (Tucson, Arizona)

*Sharon Wood from the ? Ward (Springs South Africa)

*Barbie Williams from the Highland 1st Ward (Highland California)

*Shannon from the ? Ward ( ?, Florida)

*Wendy Jenson from the ? Ward (?)

*Amber Garvin from the ? Ward (?)

*Dawn russo from the ? Ward (Tulsa, Oklahoma)

*Janna Streibel from the Marsing 1st Ward (Caldwell, Idaho)

*Marye Eby from the ? Ward (Lehi, UT)

*Shelly ? from the Stockdale Ward (Bakersfield, California)

*Traci Pankratz From the Bitburg Military Ward (Germany)

*Vikki Playforth from the ? Ward (United Kingdom, England)

*Mary Pugh from the ? Ward (Boston, Massachusetts)

*Allena Allread from the Warrenton Ward (Warrenton, Missouri)

*Julie Bradford from the Cedar Hills 14th Ward (Cedar Hills, UT)

*Ginger Thompson from the ? Ward (?)

* Coreen Phipps from the ? Ward (?)

I know some of you are still trying to figure out how you will be able to participate in this project. If you would like me to take your name off the list just let me know. All these groups are going to look awesome on my map. I can't wait. Our YW are talking about this project nonstop :) That's a good thing!

Last of all if any of you have any ideas you would like to share...do it! I love ideas :) I hope you all have a very merry Christmas!!

Melinda Beachell


Everyone is welcome to join. It's going to be a lot of fun and I truly believe serving changes people for the better :) I'm working on a fun idea to track our goal right now.

For some reason my blog isn't e-mailing me my comments. So if you write a comment and I don't respond I promise I'm not being rude. Sometimes it just takes me a while to find them!

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