Thursday, January 14, 2010


This is Michelle again and I am feeling a little generous. I am giving away one of these:
I am excited! Here is what you have to do:

  • You have to leave a comment as to which temple is your favorite and why.
  • You also need to leave a way to contact you in case you are the WINNER!
  • You must live in the continental United States.
  • You must share the love and reference this post to some friends (or at least try to).
  • One entry per household.
I will pick the winner at random. All enteries must be received by 8:00 P.M. Pacific Standard Time on Thursday January 21, 2010. The winner will be posted on this blog by January 22, 2010.
If I receive more then 100 comments then I will give away 2. So spread the word!
Also come visit me on my blog
Visit me on etsy:
--I will post more pictures that can go on the plaque on my blog. I don't want to overtake Melinda's. So go here to see more pictures


  1. How sad that Canadians can't participate!
    Good luck to those who enter. Wish I could win one - I LOVE it!
    Janet in Manitoba

  2. Cool! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Manti temple! But, after looking at what you posted as available, I like the idea of the Moroni on the Portland Temple. You should post pics of the other temples so we can see them!

  3. OOps, forgot my e-mail. charlsmith at comcast dot net.

  4. I Love the Mesa Arizona Temple, for that is where I was married, where I was sealed to my family, and it was the first temple I learned of when I joined the Church. I also love the Phoenix Temple, and pray that it can be built where it has been proposed and approved. I live less than a mile away, I run by the site every morning, and my neighbors have been the very vocal opponents of it. These are great, but very misinformed people, and it has been such a sad time for us as we pray and fast and pray and try to convince them of the blessings a temple will bring to all in our neighborhood! All need to remember the Phoenix Temple in their prayers!

  5. Oops...I posted a reference to your blog on my blog...

  6. The Manti Temple is my absolute favorite. It's where my husband and I were sealed on a terribly snowy day! It was beautiful though! I live in central UT about 2 hours from it! I can be contacted @ kimmie underscore jackson at yahoo dot com. I definitely have some people to reference this to. Thanks!

  7.'s where my husband and I were sealed.

  8. Salt Lake City - it was my refuge when I was going to school and getting my heart broken. Plus I married my hubby there.

    Love the picture!

  9. Logan! That is where I was married and also my parents and my husbands parents. I love that temple!

    Love your picture!!!

  10. Your blog inspires me and Monday I sent you post to our Bishops wife for her to order kits for the young women she teaches. I love the Salt Lake Temple at night and just the plain black board because of the beautiful simplicity of it. If I'm not lucky enough to win one I will be saving my money up for one. (I've been out of work since Last year). Thanx for always inspiring me. Kelli Hansen

  11. way to leave me out of that Michelle!! I want one!!!

  12. I am excited to enter this giveaway! My all time favorite temple was Salt Lake for years and years, then I got married in the Vernal, Ut temple and fell in love with it. I get to see it at least once a week and love the Moroni on top! I hope I win!
    Angie Nelson,

  13. Am I allowed to enter? Probably not :) I'm still going to tell you all my favorite temple...the PORTLAND TEMPLE. I think I love it so much because it's so close and it's beautiful!! All you Manti temple voters... that would be a close second for me :)

  14. I love your blog! IT inspires me in my calling and helps me to realize that I am not the only crazy carfty mommy out there :) I totally love the Mesa Temple. I was sealed to my parents there and took out my endowments there, as did my hubby before his mission. It was also the temple that he and I were sealed in. Those covenants have held us together when times were tough and reminded us of all the great times that we had together when it was hard. My Kids and I look to the temple as a source of strength as we are left behind when my hubby leaves us to serve our country.
    I have shared your blog with family and friends and have linked it to my favorites to!! Thanks for the inspiration. Best - Christina

  15. Love your picture of the Temple. My favorite Temple is the Salt Lake Temple where I married my sweetheart 39 years ago and where 4 of my daughters were also married. I looked at your blog. Love the family picutes.

  16. what a wonderful idea. My favorite temple is the st. george temple.

  17. My favorite temple is the Mt. Timpanogos Temple because we adopted a 1 year old from China and we had her sealed to us there. It was wonderful to have my 3 biological kids with us and my dad sealed her to us. My email is I have posted you on my blog and I have printed off tons of your enteries and handed them out! You know I love what you do!

  18. I grew up in Hyrum Ut, 8 Miles south of the Logan Temple, as we drove to Logan, each time my sisters and I (being just little) would watch so close to be the first to see the Temple. And then my mom would start singing " I Love to see the temple" I love that memory! Later I was sealed to my husband in the Logan Temple! Definitely may favorite!

  19. I'm fond of Oakland. I grew up thinking it was a castle, then was married there after joining the church. Also it looks quite different from most other temples . . . you know, no Moroni etc.

    danellefobert at hotmail dot com

  20. Of course my favorite temple is the Idaho Falls, Idaho temple. We live only 10 miles from it, we were sealed as a family there after my husband joined the church, my two daughters were married there, my other two took out there endowments there, two of my grandson went there before their missions and one then was married there when he got home. The Idaho Falls temple is our family temple! By the way BEAUTIFUL job on the temple pictures.

  21. I love the St. George temple. Me and my hubby and so many of our family and friends have been sealed there. I also have a soft spot in my heart for the Manti temple.

  22. i love the mesa temple. My husband and I were married there. --so special!-- but i love the looks of the san diego & Mt. timpanogas (sp?) temples!
    and i will post about this on my blog!

  23. Since I was sealed in the Mesa, AZ Temple it is definitely one of my favorites. But so is the Nauvoo, IL Temple. The Nauvoo Temple has been our Temple for the last 6 years and being able to visit that city and share the history with our daughters was amazing. We recently moved and we miss it so much!

  24. I'm surprised everyone loves the Manti Temple. But I must admit, I'm in love with it too. I got to do baptisms there as soon as I turned 12 and later convinced my man to marry me there. Fun to see you gals here. :) Monique

  25. I love your site. My favorite temple has been the Manti temple. My husband and I have been married for 27 1/2 years but not sealed as a family. My husband has always told me that if he ever goes to the temple it will be the Manti. So of course my greatest wish is to finally be able to be sealed together. More recently, actually a year today, my daughter is serving as a missionary in the Oregon, Portland Mission,(only perfect mission) and through her letters we have felt the love she has for the people there. Her and I will be going together to that temple when she is released from her mission. Thanks for all the good you do on your site.

  26. I love the St. George temple! That's where I was married. You can reach me at necklacebliss(at)gmail(dot)com

  27. What a beautiful and inspiring blog you have. As my husband and I have not been baptized yet, still in the process I have not been to a temple. I have seen and love San Diego Temple. I would love to be sealed with my family there.

  28. My husband and I were married in St. George, but the other two at the top of my list are Nauvoo (where my parents met), and Detroit Michigan (where we lived for several years). rkgraff at gmail dot com

  29. I'm so sad that i missed the deadline but i want to say that Nauvoo is my fav because it is where I was introduced to the spirit that lead me to joining the church...I will get my endowments there in May.I did baptisms there during Youth Conf. this past July...what an experience. Ü

  30. Ah - missed the deadline! Should've checked Heidi's blog sooner! My favorite is the Manti temple. I'm not even sure why, I've never been there. I've always loved it though - since I was investigating the church.

  31. I LOVE the Salt Lake City temple. It has always stood as a testimony to me of the power of the Lord to help us overcome our trials. It's also where I was married. :)

  32. I love the Mt Timpanogos Temple. We had prayed for many years for a special little spirit to join our family. Our grandson joined our family through the LDS social services adoption program. He was born in American Fork Utah and as I looked out the window of the hospital I saw the Mt. Timpanogos Temple and I was filled with joy as I knew our prayers were heard and answered.
