Tuesday, January 19, 2010


This is Michelle again. I must say I have loved reading all of your stories about what temple is special to you and why. It actually brings a lot of memories back for me of going to different temples. When I hear about the Manti temple I think of going to the Manti pageant for girls camp, the Salt Lake temple where I was married, the Oakland temple where I first did baptisms for the dead when I was in beehives, the Arizona temple where my brother and his family lives, Logan temple where I went to college at Utah State, Portland where I now enjoy going and taking my kids to, this has really been an uplift for me. I really love that you are all sharing your story with me.

Thank you!!!

Keep them coming!

1 comment:

  1. I live in Manti, UT. We are so blessed to be so close to the Lord's house. I just wanted to share with you what our youth have accomplished. In Jan.2009, our wonderful bishop challenged the youth of our ward to do 2009 baptisms for the dead in 2009. The youth were very excited and we went to the temple every month as a YM/YW activity. We not only accomplished this goal in Sept. but the youth did not want to stop there. We made another goal to do 1000 more names. That was reached in Dec. with 3042 names total. We had a VERY spiritual fireside the Sunday after where we did the program "Does anyone have my name" and invited all those who participated, youth and parents, and extra priesthood leaders. It was GREAT. We have submitted an article and picture to be put in the New Era. Look for it there. I don't know if or when it will be published but we are hoping it will be. Melanie Johnson, Manti, UT
