Thursday, March 18, 2010

For The Love of Books!!!

I love to read. In my daughter's drawings I'm always reading a book or holding one. It makes me laugh. Books are magical. When having a bad day you can get lost in a book and the day just seems to go better. I guess books can be like therapy for some people.

How does this apply to the craft world? Well I'll show you how. How about this ...

It's kind of a book crime but I love it. Hungry Panda has a tutorial HERE to make these lovely book purses. Love the cute inside. I can just imagine my cute little daughter who also loves to read carrying it around :)

You not going to waste those pages are you? Try this

Living With Lindsay has a tutorial HERE. Holy craft heaven. Love, love, love it! I think I might just go make this right now.
Some good news...I just sold my first crochet headband on my etsy shop. Yay! My husband told me that no one was going to buy it but he has been wrong before. Remember when he said no one would buy my nativity? It was kind of fun to see him eat his words (just trying to make a book joke to go along with the post). Have a wonderful day. It's sunny in Washington and that's always a good thing!

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