Saturday, September 4, 2010

Girls Camp 2010

After an extremely crazy summer I'm back. Not only back but full of fun new ideas. I've been working like crazy on making things for my house. I would love to show them to you only one small little problem. My camera took up a bad starting smoking on me. Shocking, I know. Not only did it start smoking but when my son was taking a picture I watched it start fire for a brief second. He was burned. I took it in to be repaired but honestly I don't want it back. Long story camera. When there is bad news there is always good! I haven't had a chance to share about my stake's girls camp. This will be my focus for the next few days because there is so much to share.

Because of the Brave

Each day had a fun theme.

There was a little of this... That's my cute little one's face :)

Fun new costumes each day.

Love these ladies I got to spend so much time with!

Can't wait to share all these ideas with you. My heart and soul (actually a bunch of talented ladies hearts and souls) went into this camp. It was worth every moment. Stay tuned for more ideas.