Sunday, September 19, 2010

Perfectionist in Recovery

I'm a perfectionist in recovery. Yep it's true. Way back when (well... and occasionally I relapse) If I couldn't do something perfect I wouldn't do it. It applied to many different areas of my life including crafting. If I made something I thought was to be hideous I would throw it away and quit. I've now learned creating is a process. Sometimes you get it right the first time and other times you just need to change a few things to make it *perfect*! The funny thing is this post isn't where I made something perfect :) I think it's like craft therapy posting my junk. I like my little tree but it needs a little more....

So I added a little paper looks like a disaster!

I'm going to try sticking with the darker paper, make the star smaller and change the yellow color and then we just might have something worth posting. I would love to see the pumpkins and trees you are all creating :)


  1. I love your Blog!!! Such darling ideas!

  2. I found you over at Someday Crafts and I love your wood creations. i am starting my first link party and it would be perfect for you. It is called 2x4 Tuesday's! You should come over and check it out, post a few of your wood stuff. Hope to see you!

  3. I'm there! I was just working on a new 2x4 project :)

  4. Love the tree! Did you cut the star out of the 2x4 or did you buy it separately?

  5. I cut it out of a different kind of wood. Thanks!
