Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Gold, Silver and Bronze

When I started this craft blog the majority of my ideas had to do with the Young Women. As a leader I loved finding ideas and putting them to use and thought I would share a few of my own. Well as it turned out I was released and got to play with the cub scouts for a few months and then I was called to the stake young womens presidency. I'm loving it. I don't get to spend a lot of time with the young women but I love every moment I do. We are getting ready for a good old YW volleyball tournament and I was asked to come up with some medals. If we are going to do this we need to do it right! We need a gold, silver and bronze medal.

Man I wish I had one of those really nice cameras that makes everything you do look like a dream. So clear and crisp....but no I just have my cheapy that sometimes likes to take a smoke when the flash goes off. *sigh* Anyhoo so fun right?! I love girly stuff.

The budget to do something like this was nothing so I just used items I had around my house such as washers, spray paint, flowers and some jewels. I had to set apart the gold medal winners cause if you win it you are darn special. I stamped the word "champ" and then spray painted the gold medal. In case you are wondering these are the spray paints I used.

Let's hope they love them :)

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