Monday, October 4, 2010

Grand Opening Giveaway!!!

Wendy again, borrowing space for another post...{it's been a good week! I'm up to 2!}

Just wanted to share the news, as I'm giving Melinda credit for a good portion of it, I too have started my own craft blog. You'll find it here if you'd like to take a peek, and well, I'd like you to take a peek. Realize,it's not up to Melinda standard yet, but she's what I'm aiming for!

But that's not the only news, I opened an Etsy Store as well. So to celebrate my big week  and as a way to introduce my new monthly line of wooden letter sets, I'm giving one set away!

Just a little bit of spook and spice to make Halloween nice!
 This set is ready to go, it only needs a home to haunt. Want it to be yours? Here's all you need to do:

1. Click your way on over to my NEW blog and become a follower 
2. Leave a comment sharing why you LOVE fall with a way to contact you

That's it! The winner will be announced on Monday, October 11.
"Ghoul"-ed Luck to you all!
If you just can't wait until then, head on over to my store my store to find out
 how to purchase a kit of your own.

Also, you'll find an introduction to my new Word...of the Month sets.
Thanks to you all! 


  1. Why my dear would you not be? We have to keep track of each other some how! Thanks for letting me mooch off your blog. Love Ya!

  2. Fall is my favorite time off year because it's when my birthday is!!
    But really I love all the colors & the crispness & smells in the air.
    It's the time of year I get to do a lot of girls nighgts with my family & daughter. I just Love Fall!
