Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A New Beginning...

The birth of a new craft blog. Is there anything as exciting? Maybe not for some but it makes me want to shout hooray! As you know one is the loneliest number so I have enlisted a few crafty friends to help out. These girlies are get out of town good! You will be able to find a variety of ideas on this blog. We plan on sharing ideas for LDS Young Women, craft nights and just for those who love to try something new and different. Come along for the journey and if you have any ideas you would like to share please contact me @ beachellfamily02{at}hotmail{dot}com.


  1. I just came to visit from your other blog!! I love your ideas and your creativity! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Hi. You have a great ideas.I really like your blogs.^_^ hope you will create more inspiring thoughts to share.
