Sunday, September 20, 2009

Personal Progress

In our ward we are always looking for ways to motivate the YW to work on personal progress. Our personal progress specialist (Traci) came up with this fun jeweled poster. What girl doesn't love jewels...

Tonight we are having a personal progress fireside. I will have more pictures and ideas to share tomorrow.


  1. I *LOVE* this idea! I hope you don't mind if I use it for our young women =) where did you get the jewels? they are perfect!

  2. To Nettie that is wondering where I got the jewels for the poster...I bought them at JoAnn's (with coupon) they can get a little spendy. Im sure if you really hunted around you can find them cheaper. I bought them first and then made the poster proportional to them. Also FYI the Yellow and some other colors are hard to find so if you just buy extra clear ones you can color them with Permenate marker and nobody will even know. ;)

  3. I love this idea! Thank you so much!!
