Friday, March 5, 2010


Since my release from YW's people often ask me if I'm bored. I chuckle and reply "no". I don't think I have ever been this busy. Besides being a mom and wife...I clean a friend's house once a week, my new calling is in cub scouts, I have an assignment as a dance instructor for the youth's multi-stake dance festival and last but not least I have been asked to help out with YW camp this year. Super excited about this assignment and with it I have tons of fun ideas to share. My friends and I also just had another craft night. I have pictures and a pattern to share. Stay tuned!

A big thanks to two people I have never met but I consider to be friends Jenni and Lisa. Recently I lost all motivation to blog. I won't go into the reasons because honestly they are boring. These two gals sent me the most wonderful e-mails and reminded me why I started blogging :) ThAnK yOu!!!


  1. I just wanted to thank your freinds as well! I come to your blog for refressing ideas! Love them all. Especailly that you tried and are still trying to teach our youth to serve those around them! Thank you!!!

  2. I love your ideas, and can't wait to see what you have to share with us. Thanks to your friends. (I wish I was bored sometimes, but I'm sure that wouldn't be fun either)

  3. You got released? Bummer for all of us! Thanks for the inspiration. I am featuring your courage washer necklaces at

  4. you got released?! yay for me.. i'm in cubs, and could really use some inspiration after 2.5 years!!
