Monday, March 8, 2010

Family Books

Another fun craft night with the girls...

My friend Lyndy (and her family) came up with this cute idea of a family book. I love how different they all are. I know I say that every time we have a craft night. I can see each personality in each person's work. Love it!

Basically all you have to do is glue/ modge podge paper onto your chipboard. You could even use old cereal boxes. Then add your favorite embellishments. Super easy and super cute :)

Here are the patterns...


  1. Those are SUPER cute! I'm going to make them for Mother's Day.

  2. Your creativity never ceases to amaze me. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Julie you should join our craft group. I know you don't like to do things in groups but I think you would enjoy you get to hang out with me and considering our children might marry each other someday ....(LOL)!!

  4. This is awesome! I featured this at

  5. I live in northern Brazil and I haven't seen this here yet. What do you usually put inside these books?
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs from Brazil

  6. You can put pictures or journal about your family on the pages :)

  7. do you just use a spiral bound photo album? or what is the actual book made of?

  8. It's just a thin chipboard...similar to that of a cereal box. My friend got a bunch free. We then used the Bind it all to bind them but you can also use binder rings.
