Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Craft Funny

Yesterday, my four year old son brought me a crochet hook. I asked him where he got it. He said, "I got it from your crap room". I think my husband taught him that. He doesn't ♥ my craft room.


  1. Kids do pick up on things don't they lol. I think I'd be asking the hubby about this one ;)

  2. We recently relocated. While looking for our new home I often said, "It's really great, but where is my craft room?" My husband would reply, "That's not at the top of my list." I said, "Then be prepared to eat out of your lap because the kitchen table will be full!" Our new home has a lovely craft room! I guess it was important after all!

  3. That just made my day!! All crafty women need a place to left their creative souls be free. I love my messy and so wonderful craft room. My husband....not so much. But the rest of the house is GREAT!!
