Thursday, September 23, 2010

Feed My Sheep

I made these a while back for the young women in my ward as a handout for a lesson.

The lesson was based on this article ( - Ensign Article - The Summer of the Lambs) Today I was thinking about that lesson and made this...

Then thought about this song I love by Michael McLean...

....So why is my shepherd treating me like a lost lamb?

He’s searching to find me

And he’s holding me now, yes, he’s holding me now

And teaching me who I am

So why am I feeling like I’m the only one here

It’s like I’m his favorite

And he takes me aside, and he sweetly confides

These remarkable words in my ear

You are one of the ninety and nine

Have you any idea how brightly you shine?

You are safe in this fold, and it’s time you are told

That I know where you’ve been so I know where you’ll be

Because all of your life you’ve been following me

You are more than just one of the sands of the sea

Or just one of the ninety and nine...

Do you have any idea how brightly YOU shine? Maybe you do. I often forget. Make yourself one of these sheep to help you remember and go out and feed His sheep :)


  1. I need to make me one of those sheep! ~grins~ they are just adorable and what a sweet reminder.

  2. Thanks :) Every princess needs one!

  3. did you make those out of clay? i'm teaching my primary kids today about the Lord and his message to Simon Peter "Feed my sheep" so cute!
