Monday, September 6, 2010

The Gospel was Preserved Because of the Brave

The Gospel was Preserved Because of the Brave. Basically this is Book of Mormon day. This is the schedule...

In prep for camp all leaders, priesthood and YCLs were informed that they would need a costume for each theme. We as leaders brought extra costume pieces for those who forgot. There will always be a few of those. The YCLs and some leaders went up Monday and the other girls came up Tuesday. It was fun to see them arrive with us all waiting in our costumes

It was fun to see what everyone came up with.

There were two different classes that day.... Each about the Book of Mormon.

There were reenactments each day based on the theme. Some were put on by the men and others were prepared by the YCLs. They were all about the Book of Mormon. I'm just waiting permission to post some of the scripts from a friend who wrote them. Check back for those soon. It worked out perfectly because we all were already in costume.

New decorations for each theme. For Book of Mormon day we had some spears and backdrops. I made an outline and the YCLs and some great leaders helped paint them.

Each day we also had one of these....
Everyone wants to be a stripling warrior right? I thought so. I'm not an artist. I can't even draw. How the heck did I do this?! It's simple and everyone can do it! Go online and find either clip art or a coloring page of what you need. Here are some good sites for Book of Mormon stuff...

*The church website (Look in the Friend)


*Sugardoodle clip art

There are so many more! Pick the one you want and print it. Go to a printing place and have them make the picture into an overhead. I'm pretty sure each church library has an overhead projector. Use it to make your picture as big or small as you would like.

For example I used this picture....

To make this :)

I traced these pictures on wood and old sheets. At first I used a pencil but I would suggest using a permanent marker. Either works. Hopefully this is helpful to you all :) Tomorrow will be Land fo the Free Because of the Brave.

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