Monday, September 6, 2010

Wood Pumpkin

I'm taking a break from girls camp blogging today. I was looking at a few blogs I like and I came upon this at Brown Paper Packages...

I saw it and the first thing that came to mind is shut up. No, no, no...not like shut your mouth but like get out of town shut up. I love it. I had to create my own version.

I love how simply cute it turned out. I'm a big fan of simple. For this little pumpkin I used only the things I had at home. If I was to do it again I would use a polka dot green ribbon. I do love the yarn. There is something about yarn that is so fall cozy like but polka dots have my heart. I would also have used some smaller blocks. Not bad for a use what I have project, huh?!


  1. I love it! I just might have to do something like that.

  2. I really like it, I want to make one to now.
