Why hang out Under My Umbrella? Currently Under My Umbrella is averaging about 61,741 page views a month. 711 awesome people “follow” my blog and I have 257 facebook friends. These averages are growing each day.
How can you hang out Under My Umbrella? There are a few ways we can sing in the rain together….
Sidebar Advertising/Sponsorship
I have a variety of different sponsorship relationships. Feel free to email me (beachellfamily02@hotmail.com) and we can figure out which sponsorship will fit you best. Please no flashing buttons. With this type of sponsorship I will post your cute 125 x 125 pixel linked button on my sidebar.
Product Review
I will write a post about the product you send me and link to your site. Retail value of products should be $25+. I love to craft. If you send me something to craft with a project will most likely be pictured also.
I love giveaways! A giveaway on my blog will last for a week and include a post that will link to your blog. A linked picture to the giveaway post will remain at the top corner of my sidebar for the week. I typically will remind people to enter. You will be responsible for shipping costs.
Email me a picture of the tutorial you would like to submit. I love creative ideas and would love to show off what you are making!
If you have any additional questions please email me at beachellfamily02@hotmail.com